62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023)
December 13-15, 2023  |  Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

2023 IEEE CSS Awards

Every year the IEEE and the Control Systems Society recognizes the outstanding contributions of individuals belonging to our technical community by giving a number of awards. The Control Systems Society is grateful for the work each members of the corresponding committee or subcommittee devotes to the selection process.

The 2023 IEEE CSS Awards Chair is John Baillieul, and the Awards Nomination Chair is Claire Tomlin. The subcommittee Chairs are

  • Caines, Peter (George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award)
  • Fleming, Andrew (TCST Outstanding Paper Award)
  • Arcak, Murat (TCNS Outstanding Paper Award)
  • Mesbahi, Mehran (CSM Outstanding Paper Award)
  • Papachristodoulou, Antonis (L-CSS Outstanding Paper Award)
  • Duncan, Stephen (Control Systems Technology Award)
  • Salapaka, Murti (Transition to Practice Award)
  • Hovakimyan, Naira (CSS Aerospace Award)
  • Dochain, Denis (Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize)
  • Colaneri, Patrizio (Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award)
  • Mehta, Prashant (CDC Best Student-Paper Award)
  • Namerikawa, Toru (CCTA Best Student-Paper Award)
  • More details about the awards, the nomination process and past winners can be found on the IEEE CSS web site http://ieeecss.org/awards/awards-program

    George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award

    The George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. The 2023 award was given to the paper "A Lyapunov-Based Small-Gain Theorem for Infinite Networks” co-authored by Christoph Kawan, Andrii Mironchenko, Abdalla Swikir, Navid Noroozi and Majid Zamani, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66, no. 12 (2020): 5830-5844.

    IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award

    The TCST Outstanding Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. The 2023 award was given to the paper "Nonlinear Energy-Maximizing Optimal Control of Wave Energy Systems: A Moment-Based Approach" co-authored by Alessandro Astolfi, Giordano Scarciotti, Nicolás Faedo and John V. Ringwood, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29, no. 6 (2021): 2533-2547.

    Transactions on Control of Network Systems Outstanding Paper Award

    The TCNS Outstanding Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. The 2023 award was given to the paper “Time-Varying Optimization of LTI Systems Via Projected Primal-Dual Gradient Flows” co-authored by Gianluca Bianchin, Jorge Cortés, Jorge I. Poveda, and Emiliano Dall’Anese, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 9, no. 1 (2021): 474-486.

    IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award

    The CSM Outstanding Paper Award recognizes outstanding articles or columns published in IEEE Control Systems Magazine. The 2023 award was given to the paper “Convex Optimization for Trajectory Generation: A Tutorial on Generating Dynamically Feasible Trajectories Reliably and Efficiently” co-authored by Danylo Malyuta, Taylor P. Reynolds, Michael Szmuk, Thomas Lew, Riccardo Bonalli, Marco Pavone, and Behçet Açıkmeşe, IEEE Control Systems Magazine 42, no. 5 (2022): 40-113.

    Control Systems Letters Outstanding Paper Award

    The Control Systems Letters Outstanding Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers published in the IEEE Control Systems Letters. The 2023 award was given to the paper “Computable convergence rate bound for ratio consensus algorithms" authored by Balázs Gerencsér, IEEE Control Systems Letters 6 (2022): 3307-3312.

    Control Systems Technology Award

    The Control Systems Technology Award recognizes outstanding contributions to control systems technology, either in design and implementation or project management. The 2022 award was conferred to Francis J. Doyle, III, Brown University, honored for pioneering the design of control algorithms to enable the commercial development of the artificial pancreas as a therapeutic intervention to improve the quality of life for individuals with diabetes

    Transition to Practice Award

    The Transition to Practice Award recognizes outstanding collaborative scientific interactions between industry or research laboratories and academic communities that transition basic controls and system theory to practical systems for the benefit of society at large.The winner of the 2023 CSS Transition to Practice Award is Alexandre Bayen, UC Berkeley, honored for sustained contributions to transforming fundamental transportation and control technology research into industrially relevant innovation.

    Award for Technical Excellence in Aerospace Control

    The Award for Technical Excellence in Aerospace Control recognizes a person or team of people that performed an aerospace control engineering activity demonstrating excellence & significant results with a demonstrable impact. The 2023 award was given to Marco Pavone, Stanford University, honored for outstanding contributions to optimal control and decision making and their application to aerospace robotics.

    Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize

    The Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize recognizes outstanding achievement in research in systems and control by a young researcher. The 2023 Ruberti Prize was given to Fabio Pasqualetti, UC Riverside, honored for foundational contributions to the theories of cyber-physical security, complex networks, and data-driven control.

    Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award

    The Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award recognizes the best paper presented at the annual IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. The 2023 award was given to the 2022 CDC paper “Subgradient-Push Is of the Optimal Convergence Rate” by Yixuan Lin and Ji Liu, 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5849-5856, 2022.

    CDC Outstanding Student Paper and Best Student Paper Awards

    The CDC Outstanding Student Paper and Best Student Paper Awards recognize excellence in a paper presented at the IEEE CDC, whose primary author is a student member of the IEEE. One of the Outstanding Student Paper awardees will be selected as the winner of the Best Student Paper Award, and will receive that award in lieu of the Outstanding Student Paper Award. Awards are based on originality, clarity, and potential impact on practical applications or theoretical foundations of control. The student winners are:

    • Outstanding Student Paper Awardee: Feras Al Taha
    • Advisor: Eileen Bitar
    • Paper Title: A Distributionally Robust Approach to Regret Optimal Control using the Wasserstein Distance
    • Authors: Feras Al Taha, Shuhao Yan, and Eilyan Bitar
    • Session: WeC22.1
    • Outstanding Student Paper Awardee: Thomas Lew
    • Advisor: Marco Pavone
    • Paper Title: Exact Characterization of the Convex Hulls of Reachable Sets
    • Authors: Thomas Lew, Riccardo Bonalli, and Marco Pavone
    • Session: WeA03.2
    • Outstanding Student Paper Awardee: Max Emerick
    • Advisor: Bassam Bamieh
    • Paper Title: Continuum Swarm Tracking Control: A Geometric Perspective in Wasserstein Space
    • Authors: Max Emerick and Bassam Bamieh
    • Session: WeB11.2
    • Outstanding Student Paper Awardee: Xiangyuan Zhang
    • Advisor: Tamer Basar
    • Paper Title: Revisiting LQR Control from the perspective of receding-horizon policy gradient
    • Authors: Xiangyuan Zhang and Tamer Basar
    • Session: WeC01.1

    The winner of the IEEE 2023 CDC Best Student Paper Award will be announced at the Award Ceremony (Thursday, December 14, 18:45 – 20:00, Melati Main 4001AB-4104).

    CSS Distinguished Member Awards

    The CSS Distinguished Member Awards are conferred to selected members of our community who have made significant technical contributions as well as having provided outstanding long-term service to the society. The 2023 award went to Jorge Cortes, Jing Sun and Andrea Serrani.

    Outstanding Chapter Award

    The Outstanding Chapter Award recognizes a chapter for demonstrating a high level of activity, innovation, or growth. The Vice-President of Member Activities, Kristin Y. Pettersen was responsible for this award. The 2022 Award went to the Italy Chapter, chaired by Fabrizio Dabbene in recognition of its initiatives to promote control theory with an emphasis on young researchers.

    Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize

    The IEEE CSS Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize recognizes distinguished contributions to control systems science or engineering. The Chair of the Bode Lecture Prize is the CSS President, Magnus Egerstedt. The 2023 Bode Lecture Prize was given to Miroslav Krstic, for pioneering PDE backstepping and extremum seeking control, and for fostering their technology commercialization.

    IEEE Control Systems Award

    The Control Systems Award recognizes outstanding contributions to control systems engineering, science, or technology. The Chair of the Control Systems Award is Alberto Isidori. The 2023 Control Systems Award was given to Naomi Ehrich Leonard for contributions to applications and theory for control of nonlinear and multiagent system.